Wednesday 12 February 2014

Fresh Air

"Winter's OK, you can always put more layers on." Bollocks! It's cold here, and the apartments have the most insignificant heating systems so you're permanently "a bit cold". That doesn't sound too bad, but it is when it's in your home, where you watch TV, and and make your dinner, and write you blog.

I'm not complaining, the cold spell lasted for about 3 days, and it's warm enough to be comfortable now. This winter's been pretty good in truth. Mind, it's still weird to me to be in a place where people might go their entire work day without taking off their coat.

 Regardless of the outdoor temperature there is an odd obsession in this country with "cleaning the air". It's the idea that you need to open the window, or keep them open all day whatever the weather, so you have fresh air. Fresh, Shanghai air.


  1. You'll find the same problem in S.A. - we convince ourselves that our winters are so short so never get round to installing proper heating.

    P.S. A lion is a cat.

    1. I'm a science teacher and I have it on good authority that lions are dogs. I read it in the Daily Mail.
