Saturday 25 October 2014

Ornaments on the Beach

When you go to the beach here there are 3 things you are guaranteed to see: water, sand and Hindu ornaments. There are a lot of small prayer spots cemented into place along the coast, in amongst rocks at times, which are evidently a common place to go and pray. There are also lots of these small loose ornaments (pictured) here and there. It relates to the story of how the God Ganesh got his elephants head (an unfortunate incident in which his Father tried to kill him), which happened next to the water (I don't really know the story well enough to be any more specific than that). This proximity of this event to water, coupled with a rule that these ornaments cannot be thrown away as rubbish when they're finished with, means people tend to throw them into the ocean or a river. Apparently, it seems someone decided this beach spot would be best for this one.

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