Thursday, 14 August 2014

The final days in SA

In Mauritius, our new home, now but won't get into all that until I've recounted the rest of the South Africa trip. We stayed in Laura's family home in Polokwane and when we weren't doing all those little obnoxious errands that have to be done before you move countries, we were definitely making the most of it. We took a casual trip to Polokwane nature reserve and had an epic bike ride. It's quite symbolic of the culture here, get a few hours free in the afternoon and all you have to do is take a 10 minute drive into the nearest "safari park" (you'll get hell if you call it that here, and laughed at), and you'll see species of animal you've never even heard of before. 

We took a visit to see Laura's family's domestic worker ("maid" is not politically correct, apparently) in Laatstehoop (sp?), a township around 30 minutes drive from the house. Her name's Maria and she's clearly quite the matriarch in the community. A terrific lady who knows anything and everything about who's who and who's doing what. We met a young lad called Miko (sp?), who didn't have any parents and was living with Maria. She makes sure he's fed, does his homework etc., while he takes care of her when she's not well. He wasn't the only one she looked after, and apparently she always has taken care of various kids over the years, in addition to having her own kids. 

The other member of the household was her mother-in-law, who was terrifically old, and could not stop smiling. She seemed quite excited at having her photo taken.

A thoroughly great 6 weeks, I can't wait to go back. Now... To the beach!

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